Monday, August 26, 2013

Monday, August 26, 2013 cally
Yes, I'm back! My hibernation is over and I'm back with a new post and new exciting things to come :)

My friends and I went to Tropika on Robson for something satisfying yummies and to fill up our tummies a bit. Tropika is a Malaysian and Thai restaurant with 2 locations in Vancouver (and the one at Aberdeen is closed).  We decided to get a couple items from the appetizer and then a soup that my friend claims is "really, really good". Now, let me start with the appetizers.

Satays $1.30 each (beef and chicken)
Satays were nicely seasoned and grilled skewers from a choice of chicken, pork, beef, lamb with a peanut buttery satay sauce. Pictured above is beef and chicken.