Saturday, November 19, 2011

Saturday, November 19, 2011 cally
Born and raised in Vancouver, BC. I enjoy trying new things, learning new things, exploring new places, meeting new people as well as reconnecting with old friends. I'm always a little curious and I absolutely love the 4Fs: Family, Friends, Food, Fun, and the universal language: Music.

My Favourites:

Cereal: Quaker's Multigrain Life
Snack: Triscuit 
Treat: Greek yogurt (It's like eating ice-cream!!!)
Starbucks: Pumpkin spice latte

Don't get me wrong. I also love being active and some sports I enjoy include swimming, skiing, snowboarding, hot yoga, and running. 

I like learning about new products on the market, hence I love reviewing products. I enjoy sharing great products with my friends, my family and of course, my readers.

The Reason for Giving Birth... this blog:

No, this is not my first time blogging. I had a xanga blog before, which was more for myself/friends, but I am no longer a fan of xanga now. Everyone I "subscribed" to on xanga quit, and so it wasn't as interesting and I left mine in the past as well. However, I do enjoy blogging for myself occasionally because I find that writing out your feelings and whatever you have inside of you, really helps with your mental state of mind, sometimes. There are some things that just need to be written down on paper, or typed out. 

Now, I do want my blog to be read. After all, that's what blogging is all about - sharing.
I'm not exactly sure what I will be sharing on here though. I've came across lots of other blogs, with focuses on food, events, movie reviews, restaurant reviews, life, etc. and I've been inspired. I don't have a specific focus as of now, perhaps I'll do a bit of 'all of the above' or perhaps my "focus" will slowly reveal itself, just like a university student discovering what to major in. What I can say about this blog is that it'll be about me, my stories, my experience, my loves, my dislikes, and interesting things I come across. I don't think it's true when people say "I'm just a normal boy" or "I'm just an ordinary girl". No, you are not. I believe everyone is different, in their own ways, which is why people are so interesting.

Welcome to getting a taste of my life, my interests, and events around my city, whether they be sour, bitter, or simply sweet.

"Happiness quite unshared can scarcely be called happiness; it has no taste." - Charlotte Brontë


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